Urgent: Help needed regarding caching question
(too old to reply)
2013-11-17 06:26:21 UTC
I'm with a couple freelance writers and we have been investigating an "event" for several months.

I have a very important question regarding some collected evidence that is caching related. There was a cached page of a website that had some information on it regarding a crime, with a cached date one day prior of the crime occurring, apparently this entity who had this information on their site (apparently they did not know that the search engine would be able to crawl the content) could not have had any knowledge of it.

They then published this page the following day, the day the crime occurred. For a short time, the cached page that showed the conflicting date was still available online, before it was removed.

The server IP and location of that particular server is in the same timezone as the state where the crime took place.

We already received some answers, such as:

"The server cache time is accurate since it is being updated once our crawler visits a certain page. For example, our crawler visits a page today (6/3/2013), the date that will reflect on its cache page will be 6/3/2013. The date will change after our crawler visits the page again."

"To directly answer your question, the date setting which the web crawler shows on the cache page is accurate."

The above statements were the final answers regarding this issue.

Is there a possibility that the date on that server/cache page might be wrong?

This is a very important investigation, we would like some further confirmation regarding this, or answers on how the date possibly could be wrong.

2013-11-19 03:22:01 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Is there a possibility that the date on that server/cache page might be
This is a very important investigation, we would like some further
tion regarding this, or answers on how the date possibly could be wrong.
Of course there is always a possibility that the server you are accessing
is in a different time zone, possibly up to 23 hour away (one way or
another) from yours. If you are talking about a timestamp on the page that
was created by a server-side technology, such as a PHP script, it is in
the server's own time zone, not yours. You'll need to find out what that
is, and even if it's a local business, they can easily have their website
hosted in a different country.

And then there are always mis-configured servers out there. Who knows, may
it was one of those?
concerned citizen
2013-11-20 05:03:33 UTC
Post by passerby
Of course there is always a possibility that the server you are accessing
is in a different time zone, possibly up to 23 hour away (one way or
another) from yours.
Of course we have considered this, BUT..

The date on the cached page, is set by the server who cached it. We have the IP of the server in question. The date of the publisher doesn't matter in this case, as the date was set by the search engine server.

The timezone for that server is in the same timezone as the state the crime happened one day later.

We have received a reply from their tech support (search engine server) and it was stated that the time on that server is correct.

So your answer is a misconfiguration of the server? What if I tell you that there are no other conflicting dates, and all others are like they should be?