Back Links Help..........
(too old to reply)
2010-11-27 01:36:12 UTC
Maybe somebody can help me? I have a website and a blogspot that
reciporacally link to one another for the past year using normal
clickable hyperlink code. When I check the back links at google for the
website and the blogsot neither one shows a back link from the other?
For some reason google isn't giving either site a back link from each
other even though they are reciporaccly linking to each other in normal
fashion? What can I do to get google to show the back links when I do a
back links check at google? Is there some special code I need to use
along with the links?
John Bokma
2010-11-27 16:36:05 UTC
Post by Judy
Maybe somebody can help me? I have a website and a blogspot that
reciporacally link to one another for the past year using normal
clickable hyperlink code. When I check the back links at google for the
website and the blogsot neither one shows a back link from the other?
For some reason google isn't giving either site a back link from each
other even though they are reciporaccly linking to each other in normal
fashion? What can I do to get google to show the back links when I do a
back links check at google? Is there some special code I need to use
along with the links?
Try Yahoo! Site Explorer: http://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/ Google
search is known to not show all inlinks. (Maybe WMT is better, haven't
checked recently).

Also, instead of worrying about 2 links add more content to your web
site and promote it using other ways. People often focus on small things
and put there so much time in while not seeing the big picture. (For
example, you didn't give the links here ;-)
John Bokma j3b

Blog: http://johnbokma.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/j.j.j.bokma
Freelance Perl & Python Development: http://castleamber.com/
2010-11-30 16:03:52 UTC
responding to
Post by Judy
What can I do to get google to show the back links when I do a
back links check at google? Is there some special code I need to use
along with the links?
If you are using just the link:example.com search operator, it's
notoriously unreliable. I wonder why they haven't dropped that one yet.
In any case, if you have a Google Webmaster Tools account (and you should
- it's very useful and free) and you have this site verified there, you'll
have a better look at your backlinks there in "Your site on the web -
Links to your site" section. Better but still not 100% full or even true.
backlinks are so important to Google's ranking algorithm that they try to
obscure and distort any information about backlinks to prevent webmasters
from "gaming" the system.

As John pointed out, you can supplement that with data from Yahoo's Site
Explorer (
) and/or Alexa ( http://www.alexa.com/site/linksin/example.com ) or other
similar online tools but even then I doubt all 100% of your backlinks will
ever show up.

I guess, the only practical approach to knowing your backlinks is: keep
getting new ones. Eventually you'll have enough mass to stop worrying
about individual link and judge things by the 30,000-feet view which is
what all these backlinks tools are giving you.

Good luck!
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